About the Coalition
The Highway Robbery coalition consists of individuals
and non-profit organizations united in their support for the
protection of the wildlife habitat, pure waters, and wild places in
America’s National Parks, National Monuments, and other treasured
lands. The coalition is united in its opposition to the use of RS 2477
to bulldoze roughshod over our nation’s special lands. The following
organizations are members of the coalition:
Alaska Coalition, 907-586-6667
Alaska Wilderness League, 202-544-5205
American Wilderness
Coalition, 202-366 0455
Arizona Wilderness Coalition, 928-339-4525
California Wilderness Coalition, 530-758-0380
Californians for Western Wilderness, 415-752-3911
Campaign for America’s Wilderness, 202-544-3691
Colorado Environmental Coalition, 303-534 7066
Defenders of Wildlife, 202-682 9400
Earthjustice, 303-623-9466 (Denver);
907-586-2751 (Alaska)
of the Earth, 202-783-0444
Friends of Nevada Wilderness,
Grand Canyon Trust ,
Great Old Broads for
Wilderness, 970-385-9577
Idaho Conservation League , 977-345-6933
Montana Wilderness Association, 406)443-7350
National Parks Conservation Association,
Wildlife Federation, 303-786-8001
Resources Defense Council, 415-777-0220
Natural Trails and Waters
Coalition, 406/543-9551
Nevada Wilderness Project , 775-746 - 7850
Save Our
Canyons, 801-363-7283
Sierra Club, 415-977-5500
Sky Island Alliance,
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, 801-486-3161
Trustees for Alaska, 907-276-4244
The Wilderness Society, 202-833-2300 (DC); 303-650-5818 (Four
Corners); 907-272-9453 (Alaska)
PIRG, 202-546-2461
Wildlands CPR, 406-543-9551